Plant Evolution

Each Plant can evolve. The more stars a Plant has, the better its stats are

  • 1-star is the lowest number of stars.

  • 6-star is the highest number of stars.

  • Plants can be evolved to a maximum of 6 stars.

Plants must reach the maximum level in order to raise their stars.

  • Gather enough materials for this procedure. Gold, Shard, Holy, Holy Pack, $PEFI, and $ROFI can be requested as materials.

  • Different plants will necessitate different materials.

Non-NFT Plant

  • Allows players to perform evolution right in the game.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Choose the Plant Section

  • Choose an Eligible Plant (Level maxed)

  • Select the Evolution button

The parameter table will appear, prompting the player to gather the materials. Players can evolve if they have all the materials required by the game.

NFT Plant

Players must go to the Marketplace of Plant Empires to obtain an NFT Plant (NFT Plant has a minimum number of stars of 3). The procedure is as follows:

  1. Navigate to

  2. Navigate to My Assets

  3. Choose the Plant you want to improve

  4. Combine all necessary materials. When the player clicks the Details button on the Plant tab that you want to upgrade, materials will be displayed

Evolution Distribution

Evolution Rate

Evolution Resources

Last updated